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What is the significant geographical uniqueness Of Keeda Jadi?

The significant geographical uniqueness confers the Himalayan  region with Cordyceps, Ophiocordyceps sinensis, a rare coveted aphrodisiac which is also popularly known as Himalayan Viagra which is a great natural source for male sexual energy booster, Keeda Jadi is mainly found in alpine pastures parts of the Himalayas. 

Scientists are trying hard to grow Cordyceps (Keeda Jadi)  in the lab. Keeda Jadi origin is found in Northern Himalaya as a parasitic fungus which penetrates the caterpillar of the Swift moth found underground and bursts out of it. This simple mixed morphology of the himalayan fungus head riding above the caterpillar body, earns its natural name as “Cordyceps” ( Keeda Jadi, or insect herb.)

What Is the Farming Process Of Keeda Jadi?

The top fruiting body of the himalayan fungus which acts as a flag post easily  protrudes just above ground, which makes picking for the fungus collectors easy for collectors to identify from the soil.
Keeda Jadi which is manually cleaned and dried in Himalayan atmosphere, the finished produce  of keeda jadi is dispatched by us to all parts of India and international  markets. “Keeda Jadi is popularly known to flourish in Himalayan snow.

Generally Cordyceps (keeda Jadi) is often mild and sweet in taste,  It is source of excellent tonic which is helpful in invigorate lung and various kidney functions, boost as supplements essence,good source in human body to improve inspiration to relieve dyspnea, helps eliminates phlegm and prevents blood bleeding. Keeda Jadi improves body immunity if consumed over a prolonged time.

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